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DECEMBER 19, 2000

NOLA Conference and Training Center                                                                Warren, Ohio

I a. Roll Call

President Nancy Currie called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

Present: Ted Allison, Mary Frances Burns, Phyllis Cettomai, Nancy Currie, Diane Fritz, Lilith Kunkel, Ellen Leavitt, Ruth Mizik, Paul Rohrbaugh, Cristina Pope, Donna Wall, and Lois Wynkoop.

Also in Attendance: Interim Director Paul Pormen, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Hoerig, Continuing Education Coordinator Melissa Lattanzi, Technology Coordinator Brad Stephens, and State Library of Ohio Representative Roxane Oakley.

I b. Introduction of Guests – None Present.

II a. Approval of the Agenda

Donna Wall moved and Ellen Leavitt seconded that the Agenda be approved as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

II b. Minutes

Paul Rohrbaugh moved and Cristina Pope seconded that the minutes of the November 21, 2000 meeting be accepted as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

III. Correspondence

Youngstown Historical Center submitted an intent to withdraw letter. It was noted that the Historical Center will owe its fees from both this fiscal year and the next one since 18 month notice is required. Interim Director Pormen indicated that he will visit the Center. Geauga County also submitted its annual intent to withdraw letter in order to keep its option open.

IV a. Clerk-Treasurer’s Report – Anne Hoerig

Phyllis Cettomai moved and Donna Wall seconded that the Financial Reports be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Clerk-Treasurer Hoerig requested that the Board approve a State Budget Change Request that would move $675 from 202.3290 (Other-Printing ) to 202.3620 (Other-Gas) and $2,100 from 202.3910 (Contract-Temp) to 202.3720 (Contract-Speakers). So moved by Mary Frances Burns. Second by Lois Wynkoop. Motion carried by roll call vote.

In addition, Clerk-Treasurer Hoerig requested that the Board approve a Budget Transfer in the Local Fund that would move $1,000 from 101.5510 (Furniture and Equip.) to 101.1610 (Fringe-Health Insurance). So moved by Phyllis Cettomai; second by Donna Wall. Motion carried by roll call vote.

IV b. Interim Director’s Report – Paul Pormen

Interim Director Paul Pormen reported how happy he was to be serving NOLA in this new capacity. He reported that the site visits were going well, and that the Staff was a great group of people with whom to work. He was proud of how the Staff produced NOLA Notes within six days of his arrival—and produced it in house, saving much in printing costs. A color laser printer has been purchased to help with this and other publishing endeavors. Pormen also met with Lori Putt to discuss the NOLA marketing packet.

Of primary concern are the various state funding scenarios for regional library systems that are being considered. Different scenarios and their pros and cons were discussed. The Board instructed Pormen not to accept anything less that what we would already receive and to bring any proposals back to the Board for final approval.

NOLA is forming an ad hoc School Advisory Committee. Paul Rohrbaugh, and Tom O’Brien are two of the participants. It is hoped that each county will have representation by a school librarian / children’s librarian team. If anyone has a name to recommend, please let Pormen know and he’ll make the contact. A discussion of how continuing education may be our "hook" for school membership took place. Pormen is happy to attend staff meetings within each school district to discuss NOLA and its services.

Interim Director Pormen informed the Board that he would be contracting with consultant Sue McLeaf Nespeca to provide children’s services assistance for NOLA. As there is already money in the budget for consultant services, no motion was needed.

NOLA was approached by OCLC implying that RefLinks may have a copyright infringement because it uses the Dewey Decimal format online without paying OCLC the "Dewey-Web" fee. OCLC has been contacted for further clarification of this issue.

It has been suggested that NOLA once again offer a Legislative Breakfast locally (on a Monday or a Friday) to allow additional contact with legislators besides the luncheon given during OLC Legislative Day in Columbus. Youngstown State would be willing to host it. More information will be forthcoming on this event.

Of concern to the Board and the NOLA Staff is the recent legislation that would require public libraries to offer links and the ability for patrons to submit reports to the Attorney General’s Office, State Election Board, etc. It is felt that OPLIN needs to examine its policies very carefully in light of the potential liability this mandate could cause.

IV c. Technology Coordinator’s Report – Brad Stephens

Due to the delayed development of the Statewide Resource Sharing Project, many NOLA libraries have indicated a desire to continue with the AccessOhio project through which they provide interlibrary loan of books to their patrons. Our current contract for the licensing for this product expires May 2001 (long before the expected implementation of the State project). Lois Wynkoop moved and Diane Fritz seconded that NOLA continue to negotiate with Auto-Graphics to ensure continuation of this service. Motion carried by voice vote. It was pointed out that we will also need to guard against lapses in the delivery contract.

Technology Coordinator Stephens reminded the Board that the NOLA website will be down for updating late the evening of Friday, January 26 until about 4 a.m. Saturday, January 27.

The web based training program that had been discussed at the November meeting was revisited. After discussion, Mary Frances Burns moved and Ellen Leavitt seconded that should a survey determine that there is enough interest to meet the minimum requirements put forth by the vendor, that NOLA provide a pilot supplemental continuing education opportunity that provides courses on line at a cost of $100 per participant at the participant’s expense per year. The project should be evaluated after 6 months. Motion carried by voice vote.

IV d. Continuing Education Coordinator’s Report – Melissa Lattanzi

Continuing Education Coordinator Lattanzi distributed posters of the latest CE offerings to each Board Member. She said that the catalog will be in the mail soon, and will include offerings given January through August. Information on all course offerings is now available online. Lattanzi gave information on some of the upcoming programs. She also distributed statistics about NOLA’s CE offerings that showed an increase in all facets.

IV e. Board Officers’ Reports

Cristina Pope reported that to date, only two comments had been received on the Executive Director’s Job Description. A final request will be sent out to members, and the document will be revised following the Board Retreat at the end of January.

Board President Nancy Currie said that the Board Retreat will be held on January 30 at the Avalon Inn in Warren. A breakfast buffet and lunch will be provided. Currie recommended to the Board that Consultant Dave Kusma of the Matchpoint Marketing Group be hired to serve as facilitator for the day to help us with "strategic realignment." Phyllis Cettomai recommended that $1,200 be moved out of the contingency line item and placed into Consultants in order to cover his fee and possible expenses. Second by Ted Allison. Motion carried by roll call vote.

IV f. State Library of Ohio Report – Roxane Oakley

The State Library’s move is now in process. It is hoped that the old building will be vacated by January 2 when demolition begins in it. The State Resources’ servers will be down December 18 – December 28. Oakley reminded people that they could still call on every day but December 26 for assistance. The State Library hopes to reopen on January 28, 2001. A grand opening is planned for sometime in March.

Oakley reported on the new standards for Ohio schools that will be in effect by the end of the school year. They have no requirement for a library in every school, nor a librarian for each school district. School counselors, art teachers, and music teachers are also affected.

Oakley is pleased that she will be involved in NOLA’s new ad-hoc school advisory group.

V. Current Business - None Presented.

VI. New Business

President Nancy Currie asked the Board about how they liked the electronic format and downloading of board packets. The consensus was that it worked well and to continue this format.

A discussion of the NOLA health insurance policy took place. There have been inquiries as to whether it is open for other members, such as CALICO, to join it. It was recommended by our Agent of Record that we wait until our policy is more established and has its own ‘history’ before adding non-NOLA new members. So moved by Mary Frances Burns. Second by Ellen Leavitt. Motion carried by voice vote.

The Board commended Paul Pormen on the quality of his Friday e-mail updates.

VII a. Items too Late for the Agenda – None Presented.

VII b. Comments by Visitors – None Presented.

VIII. Next Meeting

The Board Retreat will take place at the Avalon Inn on January 30, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. The next regular board meeting will be held on February 20, 2001 at the NOLA Office and Training Center. It will be followed by the Winter Membership Meeting at 11:30 at a location to be announced later.

IX. Adjournment

Ted Allison moved and Lilith Kunkel seconded that the meeting be brought to a close at 12:37 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.


_________________________    ____________

Mary Frances Burns, Secretary       Date



_________________________    ____________

Nancy Currie, President                   Date


NOLA Regional Library System
4445 Mahoning Ave
Warren, OH 44483

Phone: (330) 847- 7744
Fax: (330) 847- 7704
Email: [email protected]

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01/09/01 03:58:49 PM