Desktop News

Issue 010 - 5/5/97

Webmaster at Networking Conference
Dateline: Las Vegas, Nevada
May 5th, 1997

I don't believe that a larger collection of geeks, nerds and propellor heads has ever been assembled in one place. I'm here at Networld/Interop and it is truly overwhelming. Every major vendor and hundreds of smaller ones are here. Intranet/Extranet seems to be the major focus as everything is becoming interconnected. I'm logging this report from a Novell Groupwise gateway directly to the net. When I sat down, I made some reconfigurations on the NOLA mailserver from my console here in Vegas. Neat, huh?

One thing that was glaringly obvious. The promoters failed to realize the need for training for show staff and it really showed. It really showcases the need for a strong CE program in the networking and Internet arena.

Oh well, I'm off to class now. I'll try and send a dispatch each day.

Ken Bell
NOLA Regional Library System


NOLA Representatives enroute to ALA Legislative Day
Sue McCleaf Nespeca, NOLA Acting Director, Melissa Lattanzi, NOLA Clerk-Treasurer, and Kathy Sauline, NOLA Board President and Director of Girard Free Library, are enroute to the ALA Legislative Day activities in Washington D. C. Sue, Melissa, and Kathy plan to meet with US representatives and senators from the NOLA region on Tuesday, May 6, 1997, to talk with them about NOLA libraries and legislative issues.


Got a neat idea for fostering communication among members, let us know!

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