Desktop News

Issue 035 - 8/5/97

Initial OPLIN Training Dates Announced

New OPLIN training is scheduled for Sept 2, 3, 4. Go to the Continuing Education section for more information or to register. Dates for OPLIN training during October, November and December will appear on The Desktop the week of August 11.


Memory Upgrades for OPLIN Terminals are at NOLA Headquarters

I'll be making contact with public library membership to work with you on getting your machines correctly updated. If you have someone on staff who is capable of doing the upgrade, we can forward the materials to you. Otherwise, I will be scheduling visits to install the RAM. Feel free to call if you have questions or concerns. Also, you can email me at [email protected].In addition, we have received Windows 95 CDs and accompanying floppies for the OPLIN stations.


Advanced Webmastering Class Scheduled

We will be hosting an Advanced Class for folks charged with Web Maintenance responsibilities. The class will include graphics tips and tricks, scanning basics, site maintenance issues and some scripting. Visit the CE page for more info.


New Training Lab in Planning Stage

Currently, we are in the process of planning a new training lab for members. One of the neat features of our lab will be that the computer terminals will be based on laptops. At the home site, they will be docked into full size monitors and keyboards, but we will also have the ability to bring the lab to you for certain kinds of classes. Stay tuned for more details.


OPLIN Trainer Meeting

Just a reminder to OPLIN Trainers that there is a meeting scheduled at NOLA headquarters on August 11th at 1:00pm.


Library Channel Demonstrations

We are talking to the folks at Vimpact about some demonstrations of their software "The Library Channel". Currently, we are looking at inviting them to the next quarterly meeting which is at the end of September. Also, we are trying to coordinate an August demo at the Warren Trumbull County Public Library. Walt Lesch has been using the software for some time now and can provide some valuable insight into the benefits and problems with implementing this product. Contact me at [email protected] or call (800) 589-6652 if you are interested in a demonstration of "The Library Channel".


New York Times Book Site Flourishing

If you haven't visited this site yet, you should. It includes reading lists, reviews, first chapters and audio clips from the authors and reviewers. I particularly liked "The Jazz Life", a reading list that includes some of the legends of jazz music. The NYTimes site wants you to register, but it is free and there are a lot of great articles in their online version.



Items submitted by: Kenneth S. Bell - 09/11/98 08:32 AM
Webmaster - NOLA Regional Library System

Got a neat idea for fostering communication among members, let us know!

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