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JUNE 20, 2000

NOLA Conference and Training Center                                                       Warren, Ohio

1 a.   Roll Call

President Susan Weaver called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m.

Present: Mary Frances Burns, Phyllis Cettomai, Nancy Currie, Diana Fritz, Ellen Leavitt, Ruth Mizik, Cristina Pope, Nancy Simpson, Donna Wall, Susan Weaver, and Lois Wynkoop.

Also in attendance: Clerk-Treasurer Anne Hoerig, Senior Technology Consultant Tom Casey, Continuing Education Coordinator Melissa Lattanzi, State Library Representative Roxane Oakley, Future Board Member Jane Ciavarella, and Cheryl Foote (Wellsville).

1 b.    Introduction of Guests

Jane Ciavarella, who will replace Peter Kozup as the School Representative in July, was introduced. Cheryl Foote, former NOLA Board President was also greeted.

II a.   Approval of the Agenda

Nancy Currie asked to be put on the agenda under Board Members’ Reports in order to discuss committees. It was moved by Phyllis Cettomai and seconded by Ellen Leavitt that the agenda be accepted as changed. Motion carried by voice vote.

II b.   Oath of Office

Anne Hoerig, Clerk Treasurer and Notary Public, issued the oath of office to Cristina Pope (NEOUCOM) who was appointed by president Weaver to replace Carol Davis as a Member-At-Large on the Board of Trustees. Following the oath, Pope was welcomed by President Weaver and the Board.

II c.   Minutes

It was moved by Nancy Currie and seconded by Donna Wall that the minutes for May 16 be accepted as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

III.   Correspondence – None Presented.

IV a.  Clerk-Treasurer’s Report – Anne Hoerig

Clerk-Treasurer Hoerig informed the Board that end-of-year financial endeavors were progressing smoothly. Phyllis Cettomai moved and Ruth Mizik seconded that the Financial Reports be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Hoerig presented a list of items that are no longer useful to the NOLA Office. Mary Frances Burns moved that the items be declared surplus pending State Library approval and that the items be disposed of as appropriate. Second by Lois Wynkoop. Motion carried by roll call vote.

There were several budget change requests needing the Board’s attention. In the State Fund, $7,698.31 (202.1110 – Salary: Director), $2,298.47 (202.1610 – Fringe: Health Insurance), and $942.36 (202.3720 – Contract: Speakers) all need to move to 202.5510 (Furniture and Equipment). $296.50 (202.3720 - Contract: Speakers) and $204.01 ( 202.4500 – Other: Software) need to move to 202.3290 (Other – Printing). $0.63 (202.1110 – Salary: Director) needed to move to 202.1120 (Salary – Professional). $12.00 (202.4500 – Other, Software) needed to move to 202.3620 (Other – Gas).

In the Local Fund, $1,077.15 (101.1120 – Salary: Professional) needed to move to 101.1110 (Salary: Director); $2,500.00 (101.3130 – Travel Conference) needed to move to 101.3110 (Travel – In State); $100.00 (101.3240 – Contract: Rent and Lease of Equipment) needed to move to 101.3995 (Contract – All Other).

Phyllis Cettomai moved and Nancy Simpson seconded that all the budget changes presented above be accepted. Motion carried by voice vote.

In addition, Cettomai moved that the Executive Director and Clerk-Treasurer be permitted to make last minute budget changes as necessary as long as they are presented to the Board at the July meeting. Second by Donna Wall. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Mary Frances Burns moved that the Clerk-Treasurer be permitted to set up new fund line items in order to track "income" and expenditures for the upcoming OPLIN filtering project grant. Second by Ellen Leavitt. Motion carried by voice vote.

IV b.  Director’s Report - Written Report Submitted.

IV c. Technology Report – Tom Casey

Tom Casey highlighted several items that had been included in Brad Stephen’s written report, including the CE Mall Demo, the RFP process for the statewide resource- sharing project, an update on the OPLIN Filtering Grant, Planning for Tech Institute, consulting services provided during the month, and remote access for Worthington Public Library. In addition Casey pointed out that there will be a meeting on July 18 to plan for the live web reference project.

IV d.  Continuing Education Coordinator’s Report – Melissa Lattanzi

Lattanzi reported on the success of the "Back to the Book" seminar, a joint effort between NOLA and CAMLS. She hopes to plan more joint ventures in the future. The Fall CE Catalog will be distributed at the end of the month. She is in the process of entering all the programs on the web at this time. Board Members were giving early notice that the Library Management Symposium is scheduled for October 12 and 13 at the Aurora Inn. Speakers include Jeff Magee and Rick Ruben.

IV e.  Board Officers’ Reports

Incoming President Nancy Currie distributed sign-up sheets for people to indicate preferences for committee assignments and to also mentions others who might be willing to serve.

Outgoing President Susan Weaver took this opportunity to let the Board know who the incoming Board Members will be. They include Lillith Kunkel (Academic), Ted Allison (Columbiana), and Jane Ciavarella (School). Ruth Mizik and Lois Wynkoop, current members, were re-elected. Weaver, Kozup and Simpson are finishing terms and this meeting was the last one that they are on the Board. Weaver thanked both Board and Staff for all of their help over the past year.

IV f.   State Library of Ohio Report – Roxane Oakley

Oakley had pre-submitted the State Library Board Report and the latest Legislative Update that had been included in the report. Besides highlighting items from these, she mentioned that automation items will be considered separately in the LSTA Grant process in order to encourage proposals that meet some of the other criteria.

V. Current Business

Mary Frances Burns, on behalf of both the Bylaws and Long Range Plan / Policy Committees, requested that the Board remove Policy from Long Range Plan and put it with the Bylaws Committee for future endeavors. Motion carried by voice vote.

Anne Hoerig, on behalf of the Health Insurance Committee, brought the Board up-to-date on the search for better coverage. RFP’s were submitted to nine companies, but only Medical Mutual chose to submit a policy meeting the criteria. Despite this, the Committee is very pleased with what was submitted. There are three plans from which NOLA Libraries can choose. Hoerig is working with the company to get members’ questions answered and to work out the financial details on vision and dental insurance. Nancy Currie moved and Mary Frances Burns seconded that the Health Insurance Committee continue to move forward with this project. Motion carried by voice vote.

Nancy Simpson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, presented updated Job Descriptions for the Board’s consideration. The salary scales and job tasks had been adjusted. Motion to accept these carried by voice vote.

Both the Personnel Committee and the Finance Committee considered and approved the 2000-2001 Salary Package that had been presented earlier by Director Martin. Lois Wynkoop moved and Nancy Simpson seconded that the proposal be accepted as presented.

In addition, the Committees asked the Board to consider passing a home connectivity reimbursement policy that would reimburse the Technology Staff for their home Internet service since these connections are used for work at home. This would allow for reimbursement of reasonable and usual charges of $50 or less per month upon submission of a copy of the bill to the Clerk-Treasurer. Burns moved and Ruth Mizik seconded that the policy be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Nancy Currie, on behalf of the Finance Committee presented the 2000 – 2001 Budget for the Board’s consideration. Hoerig answered questions pertaining to it. Phyllis Cettomai moved and Nancy Currie seconded that the budget be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

VI. New Business

Ellen Leavitt, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate for the 2000 – 2001 Board Officers. It is Nancy Currie for President, Ruth Mizik for Vice-President – President Elect, and Mary Frances Burns for Secretary. She then asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, the slate stands. There will be a place for write-in candidates on the ballot.

VII a.  Items Too Late for the Agenda

Nancy Currie discussed the Youth Services Position that has been under consideration. One interview was conducted. In the process, the Committee had some interesting insights including that the NOLA needs may be better served in other ways such as speakers, temporary consultants, membership help, library student practicums, and temporary help. It was pointed out that what might have been a priority 3 years ago did not show up as one at our latest planning retreat.

VII b.  Public Comments – None Presented.

VIII.  Next Meetings

The New Members Board Orientation will be held on July 18 at 8:30 a the the NOLA Conference and Training Center. It will be followed by the Board Meeting at 10:00 a.m.

IX. Adjournment

Nancy Currie moved and Mary Frances Burns seconded that the meeting be brought to a close at 11:45 a.m. Motion carried by roll call vote.

_________________________ _______________

Mary Frances Burns, Secretary        Date


_________________________ _______________

Susan Weaver, President                 Date


NOLA Regional Library System
4445 Mahoning Ave
Warren, OH 44483

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06/30/00 12:05:32 PM