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October 19, 1999
Reed Memorial Library
Ravenna, Ohio

I a. Roll Call

President Susan Weaver called the meeting to order at 10:47 a.m.

Present: Mary Frances Burns, Phyllis Cettomai, Nancy Currie, Peter Kozup, Ellen Leavitt, Ruth Mizik, Paul Rohrbaugh, Nancy Simpson, Donna Wall, Susan Weaver, and Lois Wynkoop.

Also in Attendance: Interim Director / Technology Coordinator Brad Stephens, Continuing Education Coordinator Melissa Lattanzi, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Hoerig, Bill Tokarczyk (Ashtabula County District Library), and Christina Pope (NEOUCOM).

Preceding the formal call to order, Host Phyllis Cettomai gave a welcome and the Reed Library’s roll in Ravenna’s Bicentennial Celebration was discussed.

II a. Approval of the Agenda

Nancy Currie moved and Donna Wall seconded that the agenda be accepted with the addition of a letter from Geneva High School under Correspondence. Motion carried by voice vote.

II b. Minutes

It was moved by Phyllis Cettomai and seconded by Ellen Leavitt that the minutes of the September 21, 1999 meeting be accepted as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

III. Correspondence

A letter dated June 3, 1999 from Ish Joshi at the Geneva High School Library requesting membership in NOLA was presented to the Board. Mary Frances Burns moved and Donna Wall seconded that the application be accepted for the current fiscal year. Motion carried by voice vote.

IV a. Clerk-Treasurer’s Report – Anne Hoerig

The new format for the Financial Reports was introduced. Hoerig was complimented on the "readability" of the new reports. Peter Kozup moved and Paul Rohrbaugh seconded that the Financial Reports be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Clerk-Treasurer Hoerig requested that the Board approve a $3,000 budget transfer in the local account from Travel-Conferences to Reference and ILL to help finance the Access Ohio Project. So moved by Mary Frances Burns; second by Ellen Leavitt. Motion carried by role call vote.

Clerk-Treasurer Hoerig requested that the Board approve an increase in appropriation for line item 101.5120 (Reimbursement for ILL / Libraries’ share of Access Ohio) by $19,200. Hoerig also requested that the Board approve increases in appropriation for line item 101.4600 (Reference and ILL) by $35,400 for a total of $39,900 and for line item 101.3995 (All Other Services) by $7,000 for a total of $8,250. Phyllis Cettomai moved and Ellen Leavitt seconded these increases in appropriation, and all items passed with one roll call vote.

IV b. Interim Director / Technology Report – Brad Stephens

The efforts to come up with discount pricing on Microsoft products for regional library system libraries are progressing. A meeting will be held on November 4 to finalize an RFP that will be submitted to a number of software resellers. Once completed, issued, and bids are received, a vendor will be selected and a catalog issued. Systems would need to commit to purchasing a certain number (to be decided) of software packages before pricing would be set.

There is a movement to explore the possibility of developing a common "name" for the regional library systems. The Board expressed the concern that name changes could "undermine" all the work we have done to be recognized, and that it was important that the word Library remain in whatever was chosen. The possibility of an "umbrella" name was discussed, such as using "Ohio Regional Library Systems" with our names (or acronyms) listed below it. Stephens was advised to proceed, keeping these items in mind. At this point in the meeting Ellen Leavitt had to leave.

To date, Unique Management has submitted an RFP to provide collection services for NOLA members at a discount rate. This company has a good reputation, can interface with several library automation systems, and only works with libraries.

Brad Stephens outlined a new "shadowing" program that would allow NOLA Staff to spend time in members’ libraries experiencing "hands on" library work and seeing how a library operates on a day-to-day basis. Stephens had discussed this with the Personnel Committee, who thought it would be a meaningful experience for Staff. It is estimated that one Staff Member would be out of the building per month. The Personnel Committee recommended that the "shadowing" program be put into place. Motion carried by voice vote. Stephens will send out a letter about the program to Library Directors inviting participation in the program.

Interim Director Stephens proposed that Committee Members be invited to participate in the holiday luncheon as NOLA’s guests along with the Board and Staff. Lois Wynkoop moved and Peter seconded that this be so. Motion carried by roll call vote.

IV c. Continuing Education Coordinator’s Report – Melissa Lattanzi

The results of the group interviews were distributed. Lattanzi will use the information obtained to plan future programs. The winter and spring continuing education offerings have been scheduled and contract work is underway. Lattanzi reminded the Board that there are still openings in the Library Management Symposium and that the deadline to register has been extended.

IV d. Board Officers Report

Susan Weaver reported that the Search Committee for the Executive Director is setting up interviews with two candidates. On November 12, Patricia Harris will be interviewed. The Board was invited to come at noon to meet the candidate over a light lunch. The Committee is playing phone tag with a second candidate who is still interested in the position. It is hoped that the interview date will be confirmed by the end of the week. The Search Committee will reopen the search if neither candidate is a good match for the job.

IV e. State Library of Ohio Report – None Presented.

V. Current Business

Nancy Currie, on behalf of the Finance Committee discussed the Letters of Intent that will be issued pending Board approval. The charges for both the delivery system and Access Ohio will be structured differently to allow for the final contract prices. Access Ohio will also cover a longer contract period. The Finance Committee recommends that the Letters of Intent be issued as presented no later than December 15. Motion carried by roll call vote.

The Finance Committee recommended that NOLA provide Life and Disability Insurance coverage for the NOLA Staff at a cost of $1,410.12 per year. Motion carried by roll call vote.

The Finance Committee recommended that the Staff be reimbursed for business use of personal cell phone (if an itemized bill is presented and business calls highlighted) at a rate of 28 cents per minute for local calls and at cost for roaming calls. Further, one cell phone will still be maintained at the office for use by Staff when appropriate. Motion carried by roll call vote. Stephens reported that this change will save NOLA about $560 per year in cell phone bill costs

The Finance Committee also recommended that the Preliminary Budget be accepted as presented with the addition of a 3% Contingency Fund. Motion carried by roll call vote.

The Personnel Committee, represented by Nancy Simpson, reported that Bonnie Tyler is still working on a disaster plan for the NOLA Office. Once completed, it will be routed to the Policy Committee for discussion.

VI. New Business – None Presented.

VII a. Items Too Late For The Agenda – None Presented.

VII b. Comments by Visitors – None Presented.

VIII. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the NOLA Conference and Training Center on November 16 at 10:00 a.m.

IX. Adjournment

A motion was made by Nancy Currie and seconded by Mary Frances Burns that the meeting be brought to a close at 12:15 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.

"Benjamin Tappan" gave a brief presentation about the founding of Ravenna following the Board Meeting.

_________________________ ____________________

Mary Frances Burns, Secretary Date


_________________________ ____________________

Susan Weaver, President                 Date



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4445 Mahoning Ave
Warren, OH 44483

Phone: (330) 847- 7744
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10/22/99 09:02:10 AM