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November 16, 1999

NOLA Conference and Training Center
Warren, Ohio

I a. Roll Call

Vice-President Nancy Currie called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

Present: Mary Frances Burns, Phyllis Cettomai, Carol Davis, Diane Fritz, Ellen Leavitt, Ruth Mizik, Paul Rohrbaugh, Nancy Simpson, Donna Wall, and Lois Wynkoop.

Also in attendance: Interim Director / Technology Coordinator Brad Stephens, Continuing Education Coordinator Melissa Lattanzi, Clerk-Treasurer Anne Hoerig, and Christina Pope (NEOUCOM). President Susan Weaver arrived at this point in the meeting; Jay Burton (State Library) arrived a few minutes after that.

II a. Approval of the Agenda

Nancy Simpson moved and Lois Wynkoop seconded that two executive sessions be added to discuss personnel issues, one following Approval of the Minutes, and one following New Business. In addition, a request for a policy change was added to the Continuing Education Report. Motion carried by voice vote.

II b. Minutes

It was moved by Ellen Leavitt and seconded by Donna Wall that the minutes of October 19, 1999 be accepted as presented. Motion carried by voice vote.

II c. Executive Session

Mary Frances Burns moved and Lois Wynkoop seconded that the Board adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel at 10:08 a.m. Motion carried by voice vote. The Regular Session reconvened at 10:30 a.m.

III. Correspondence

The Ashtabula City Schools requested membership in NOLA per letter dated November 1, 1999. Donna Wall moved and Nancy Simpson seconded that that their application be accepted. Motion carried with voice vote. Two letters were received that expressed the institutions’ intent to withdraw from NOLA. The first, from Robert R. Hawkins at the Mahoning Law Library Association, expressed intent to leave in 2001. The second, from Channel 45 / 49, was the second received from them. Their withdrawal will be effective in 2000.

IV a. Clerk-Treasurer’s Report – Anne Hoerig

Clerk Hoerig indicated that the National City Checking account has been closed. Hoerig also indicated that she had spoken with the Auditor about the Trust Funds (money that had been earmarked for the TOMCAT interlibrary loan project) and is awaiting a letter that formally gives us permission to transfer that money into the general fund for use on the AccessOhio project. Phyllis Cettomai moved and Donna Wall seconded that the Financial Reports be accepted as presented. Motion carried by roll call vote.

Clerk Hoerig requested that the Board approve two budget transfers to help cover the Auditor’s fee, which is estimated at $1,920. Nancy Currie moved and Mary Frances Burns seconded that $1,000 be moved from 101.5510 (Furniture and Equipment) and $900 from 101.3210 (Telephone) to 101.3750 Legal / Auditor’s Fee. Motion carried by roll call vote.

IV b. Interim Director / Technology Report – Brad Stephens

Brad Stephens distributed an RFP to the Board from Unique Management Services, Inc. the firm with whom NOLA will negotiate a discount for members who wish to use a collection agency. Their references were wonderful; the company was praised for its gentle approach on both materials recovery and fine collection. Their proposal is "budget neutral" so that no one would pay more than they recover. Lois Wynkoop moved and Donna Wall seconded that NOLA continue to coordinate this project for members and that it be presented to the Finance Committee to compute a non-members fee to use this service. Motion carried by voice vote.

The member survey about the Microsoft Licensing Agreement for software has been mailed to members. Stephens mentioned that the price listed in the survey is more that we really expect to be paying once negotiations are complete. Christina Pope discussed NEUOCOM’s agreement with Microsoft so that those present would have a better idea of how the process worked.

Stephens has been approached by Cuyahoga County Library to create a search tool that would enable users to identify databases including certain magazine titles and then link the user to them. Once developed, this software would be available for all NOLA Members. This project will be presented to the Finance Committee and Board when it is ready to move forward. Stephens briefly mentioned two other technical projects, the Burton Library "Art for Loan" that is mounted on their web page, and the Ellison Die inventory, for which the policy for sharing is being written. It is hoped that this project will be ready for users by Thanksgiving.

IV d. Continuing Education Coordinator’s Report – Melissa Lattanzi

Melissa Lattanzi reported that the Business Showcase was a success and worth participating in again in the future. The catalogue for the winter / Spring Continuing Education offerings will be in the mail in December.

Lattanzi requested that the Board reconsider the wording on the CE Cancellation Policy to allow her more flexibility when someone cancels a class for serious reasons, such as an accident, etc. Ellen Leavitt moved and Nancy Simpson seconded that the policy be changed to:

"If NOLA receives your cancellation more than five working days in advance of the scheduled course, NOLA will extend credit or a refund for the full pre-paid fee. Those requesting reimbursement for cancellations after the refund deadline listed above will not received refunds for pre-paid fees, unless extenuating circumstances exist which the NOLA Continuing Education Coordinator or the Director will evaluate."

Motion carried by voice vote.

IV e. State Library of Ohio Report – Jay Burton

84 applications have been received for LSTA Minigrants; they are in the process of being routed for evaluation and consideration. The results of the open forums that Burton’s Division conducted earlier this year will be used for planning their services. Two reoccurring themes that surfaced during these discussions are that people need to have more details of what the State Library can do for them, and the State Library could make better use of WINSLO to keep libraries informed. Floyd Dickman and Kip Ryan are both retiring from the State Library. Consensus on the OPLIN move to the State Library is that people don’t care where it is or who governs it as long as it continues to exist and be responsive to the members. Finally, the move to the Copco building is a dead issue; new sites are being investigated.

V. Current Business

Susan Weaver, Chair of the Search Committee, thanked the Board for allowing the Executive Session for discussion of the search process and candidates to take place earlier in the meeting before anyone had to leave. It was a concern of the Committee that all Board Members be present to discuss this issue. On behalf of the Search Committee, Mary Frances Burns moved that NOLA hire Lynn Jurewicz, currently Director at the Mooresville Library in Indiana, as Executive Director for $55,000 with a start date of January 17, 2000, with reimbursement for up to $3,500 in moving expenses, pending a satisfactory background check. Ellen Leavitt seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote. Susan thanked the ten members of the Search Committee for working so well together.

VI. New Business

Ellen Leavitt moved and Lois Wynkoop seconded that the Board adjourn to Executive Session at 11:35 a.m. to discuss Personnel. Motion carried by voice vote. The Regular Session reconvened at 12:44 p.m.

VII a. Items Too Late for the Agenda – None Presented.

VII b. Comments by Visitors – None Presented.

 VIII.  Next Meeting

A Breakfast Board Retreat is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 7 to discuss NOLA providing consulting services and how the concept fits in with the strategic plan. The next Board Meeting will be held at the NOLA Conference and Training Center on December 14, 1999 at 10:00 a.m., followed by luncheon at the Victorian Room in Niles. A Personnel Committee Meeting will precede the regular meeting at 9:30 a.m.

IX. Adjournment

A motion was made by Ellen Leavitt and seconded by Phyllis Cettomai that the meeting be brought to a close at 12:48 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote.


_________________________ __________________

Mary Frances Burns, Secretary Date


_________________________ __________________

Susan Weaver, President Date


NOLA Regional Library System
4445 Mahoning Ave
Warren, OH 44483

Phone: (330) 847- 7744
Fax: (330) 847- 7704
Email: [email protected]

Copyright � 1999 by NOLA Regional Library System.
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11/23/99 09:30:16 AM