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Desktop News from NOLA

Issue 152

Thursday, March 04, 1999

11:17:00 AM

For a bi-monthly wrap up of NOLA news and information, be sure to check out NOLA Notes!
To receive The Desktop News in your email, go here.
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HTML-based email program to use this service)

The Director's Desk - Millie Fry

OLC Legislative Day - March 10th In Columbus

Many NOLA members have sent us their library fact sheets. We will develop a hanging file for each legislator in the NOLA area this week and will include your materials. Look for Melissa Lattanzi, our Continuing Education Coordinator, at the Ohio Library Council's Legislative Day program prior to the luncheon so you can pick up your legislator's file and give it to him/her. Hope that they will be wearing their book ties/scarves on March 10th.

NOLA Notes Goes In The Mail Thursday

NOLA Notes has a new look and you will see it within a week. We also surveyed members about the kinds of articles they want to see in our newsletter. The results are being tabulated and we will respond to your requests beginning with the May/June 1999 issue.

The Incredible Library Time Machine (ILTM) Takes Off On March 11th

The State Library of Ohio and NOLA Regional Library System have discovered The Incredible Library Time Machine parked at the Newton Falls Public Library. And on March 11th fifty-nine youth services librarians will see if time really flies. Our crew of Time Keepers will fire up the engines at 8:45 am (registration) and be ready for take off at 9:15 am sharp. They have programmed the ILTM to stop at Prehistoric, Egyptian, Medieval, Early American, Modern Times and Future Eras and participants are encouraged to wear the garb of the period that interests them most.

NOLA would like to thank the extremely creative members of the 1999 Workshop Committee - our Time Keepers: Christy James, Linda Eells, Toni Lloyd, Nancy Grapevine, Mary Ann Russo, Kathy Eames, Rachel Hartmen, Tony Petruzzi, Carol Davis, Cheri Taylor, Linda Lynch, Sue Becker, and Elaine Casterline. A special thanks to Amy Arnold, the Children's Librarian at Newton Falls Public Library, for serving as Chair of the Committee and helping in ways too numerous to mention. Amy reports that she has seen a T-Rex lurking around Newton Falls recently.

Three New Books Of Interest To Youth Services Librarians

Contact Rose Marie Pecchio ([email protected]) in the NOLA Office if you are interested in borrowing any of these new books that we recently purchased:
101 Fingerplays, Stories and Songs to use with Finger Puppets by Diane Briggs (1999);
Delivering Web Reference Services to Young People by Walter Minkel (1999); and
Learning Environments for Young Children: Rethinking Library Spaces and Services by Sandra Feinberg (1998).

Items submitted by:
Millie Fry - Email
NOLA Regional Library System


Principles of Guerrilla Grantsmanship by Susan L. Golden

If you are like many people in the nonprofit sector, you’re probably more comfortable with metaphors of peace than combat. But if you want to succeed in the highly competitive arena of grantseeking, you’ll benefit from becoming what I like to call a "Guerrilla Grantsman."

Although your goal is certainly not to slay your grantmaker, nor to maim those with whom you are competing, the reality of seeking grants is that in order to be successful you really do need to fight to gain a grantmaker's attention, and you need to assert the merit of your case, more or less aggressively, depending on the fierceness of the competition. In short, you will be well served by adopting a mindset of a fighter, prepared to do whatever it takes to win an award. (Click here for entire article)


From the Field - Brad Stephens

Stop the Spam!!

Spam (or unsolicited junk email) is a growing problem for almost all Internet users. Many users in the Ohio library community have been exposed to this type of email within the past few weeks causing some to ask "What can I do to stop this junk?". Well here are a few tips and some additional resources for Stoping the Spam.

1. NEVER reply to a spam email message - it will only let the person sending the email know that your email address is valid.
2. Be very cautious about giving your email address to websites or including it in usenet postings - these are common sources for spam artists to collect a large number of email addresses.
3. Use a Spam Filter to eliminate the majority of Spam email messages - Windows 95/98 and NT users should try Spam Buster
4. Don't respond to messages stating that they will help to remove you from Spam mailing lists - this tactic is becoming an increasingly common way for Spam artists to collect valid email addresses.

Want to know more about Spam and efforts to control it? Check some of the following sites:

CAUSE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
ZD Net Tip Zone Information and tips to reduce SPAM
The MiningCo Spam Guide Huge collection of Spam information for everyone ranging from beginer to expert

Items submitted by:
Brad Stephens
- Email
NOLA Regional Library System


CyberStuff from Reflinks

How many librarians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? to do it and ten to find the books that tell you how.'re killing me!

Alright , not literally, but to check out some real killers, visit The Crime Library or FAMOUS CASES, both at Reflinks 364 - Criminology. At this site, you'll also find sites about The Lindbergh Case - The Trial of the Century and Sam Sheppard.

And if you're still stuck on the OJ thing, be sure to check out the NFL site (Reflinks 796). Orange Juice, its just not for breakfast anymore

Items submitted by:
Reflinks Members [email protected]


Education Station - Lori Putt/CE Consultant

Time Management...What's the Magic Key to Open This Door?

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
Helen Keller

All too often, we fret over that "great and noble task" that we may be working on, and yet cannot seem to take the steps to get there. One of the basic premises of time management is to break down a "great and noble task" into smaller segments that are more manageable. Working on these smaller tasks, one at a time, will reach your goal in a quicker, less stressful way...while keeping your eye on the larger goal.

Sometimes, if we take just one step at a time and do each task as it presents itself, we may discover we have done great and noble things along with way! If we are trying to do great and noble tasks, we may well find that we have missed those magical opportunities just to do what we need to do. And sometimes, what we need to do is to relax...but we cannot seem to find the time to do that!

Learn how to unlock this door to the world of time management at NOLA's upcoming "Managing Multiple Priorities" workshop on Thursday, March 18th. Carol Ritz will present an enlightening, entertaining look at how we can organize ourselves, our work, and our personal lives. This workshop is designed for any library staff person who needs help in setting goals, dealing with time wasters, delegating tasks, and focusing energies on specific activities.

Remember...Time Management is a good can help us to look at how we spend our time. It helps us become more efficient in getting a task done and can help us learn new ways of doing old things. None of us is as efficient as we could be, and efficiency is a very useful tool!

Items submitted by:
Lori Putt
- Email
NOLA Regional Library System

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NOLA Regional Library System
4445 Mahoning Ave
Warren, OH 44483

Phone: (330) 847- 7744
Fax: (330) 847- 7704
Email: [email protected]

Copyright � 1999 by NOLA Regional Library System.
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03/04/99 11:17:00 AM