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Youth Services
Programming Resource Collection

Table of Contents
  1. Guidelines for usage
  2. Reserve a Kit online
  3. Storytime Programming Kits
  4. Puppet Kits
  5. Large Puppets
  6. Flannelboard Kits
  7. Big Books
  8. Public Performance Videos
  9. Literature–Based Kits for Primary Grades

Guidelines for Use of
Programming Resource Collection

  1. We're sorry, but kits can only be checked out by NOLA members.
  2. All items require prebooking through the NOLA office. Items may be booked up to six months in advance. A confirmation card and email will be sent to you if availability exists.
  3. All items are to be used for library programs ONLY and are not intended for lending or for use outside of the library. Kits may be used only by public or school library staff and must be booked by a public or school librarian only.
  4. Notify the NOLA Office immediately if any item is missing or damaged. Libraries must pay for replacement of damaged or lost items.
  5. Libraries are responsible for cleaning the puppets if they become soiled. They may be hand washed or machine washed on a gentle cold cycle. DO NOT put them in a clothes dryer.
  6. Statistics for the number of performances and attendance (total of adults and children) MUST be submitted to the NOLA Office within one week of the performance. Failure to comply with this rule will result in loss of borrowing privileges. A card will be included or sent to you to record statistics.
  7. You must send the item to another library or back to the NOLA Office as indicated on your confirmation card by the date shown. Failure to comply with this rule will result in loss of borrowing privileges.